This isn’t about me…



You’re SMART, you know that copy-done-right has AWESOME power:


Power to
your sales

Power to
your brand

Power to
make you

Problem is, your current copy is MEH.

It reads like a dissertation on polymers.
It feels like being stuck in traffic.
It has the potency of a virgin mary — and the subtlety of a sledge hammer.

Are you ready to LEVEL UP YOUR GAME?

I’ll craft you copy without the guesswork.

I take a research-based, psychology-influenced, perfectionists approach.

I’ll write you words that SKY ROCKET your conversions and put cash in your BANK.

This is Dave. He’s a WINNER!

I help you WIN by:

Taking a deep dive into your unique brand DNA and communicating it to the world. Using box-fresh, smile inducing prose that CAPTIVATES your users.

Paying a (Sherlock Holmes esq) FORENSIC level of detail to the vital research needed to forge messaging that takes your customers from liquid nitrogen to EXPLODING SUPERNOVA.

I’ll project the UNIQUE nature of your offer in such a lucid, unforgettable way, your prospects will be ACHING for more.

Who am I?

Hi, I’m Paul (or Paulie!)

I’m a…

Kind hearted happy man living in Barcelona, who looks after his friends. I’m loyal, diligent, at times inspired perfectionist with an absolutely SAVAGE, work ethic. I’m fun to be around and I like to make people FEEL GOOD.

I also…

Grow most of my food, but LOVE a cheeseburger (often Vegan).
Exercise consistently but like a PARTY.
Love cooking or better yet, being cooked for.

I’m a RESULTS-OBSESSED conversion copywriting perfectionist who’s spent a decade running performance marketing campaigns with my team. I’ve learnt that great copy is at the very core of brand communication, and I’ll dig deep down to unearth your brand.

My signature is LASER-TARGETED copy that’s natural, light and fluent.
Which means your customers develop an intuitive connection with your brand — and choose YOU for the sale!

10+ Years
in Marketing & Copywriting

Past Positions:
Media Buyer, Affiliate Marketer,
Conversion Copywriter.

Bachelor’s Degree
in Business Administration
(Marketing Specialisation).


You’ll LOVE working with me because…


No wishy washy, “here’s your copy, see ya later”.  We’re going to A/B test, raise your key metrics and make you MONEY.

I get it DONE.

No “the dog ate my homework!” emails that feel like a gut punch. On time, every time.


This isn’t an opportunity to unleash my creative inner child. I use a proven, research-based, psychology-influenced approach. I write words that add massive VALUE to your brand.

This is going to be FUN

The copywriting process should be collaborative and fun. We’ll get the best results when we build a RAPPORT that lasts long after delivery.

If you…

Need result-winning, strategic copy created with proven formulas and backed by statistics.
Agree that deadlines are carved in GRANITE.

Have an AWE INSPIRING marketing team but need an all-star copy SPECIALIST.
Want a relentless perfectionist who spends his free time devouring stats.

Then it’s time for us to talk. Yesssss!