Conversion-driven copywriting to build your e-commerce brand. And make you bank.

You Want

More Sales
More Leads
More Authority

You Get

Sales Boosting Copy
Enhanced Customer Attraction
An Irresistible Brand


Which of these best describes you?

  • You tackled your site copy “in-house” (cough: yourself!) but the results were just MEH…
    In NO WAY do they come close to reflecting your BADASS business.

  • You spent truckloads of cash on a sweet agency rebrand but the results were BANG AVERAGE…
    And you felt EMBARRASSED.

  • You’re SWAMPED by your task list.
    You’ve lost CASH and CLIENTS already by spending vital days striving to hone critical correspondence or killer headlines.

Now you need someone to take the job on and RUN with it… I feel you, I really do.

You’re an awesome business builder, but writing just isn’t your thing.
You’re ashamed to admit it, but you struggle to translate your value into written copy, and it’s costing you COLD HARD CASH every day.

Fear not! Your SOLUTION is at hand…

You see, Conversion Copywriting isn’t digital VOODOO…

It’s calculated but intuitive messaging that obliterates objections. It’s grounded in research (not a little bit, a LOTTA bit) and it’s set up to be measurable; because if you can’t MEASURE it, you can’t MANAGE it.

I’m a CERTIFIED conversion copywriting perfectionist under the tutelage of the legendary Joanna Wiebe, of Copyhackers fame. Using a research-based, psychology-influenced, and artful approach, I’ll write you words that FIRE your conversions and put cash in your BANK.

If you’re CLEAR on your offer, READY to amplify your impact all the way up to 11 (but know you can’t do it all yourself), let’s put your words into ACTION without delay. I will make you look SMART for hiring me.

Schedule your personalized 15 minute consultation where I can answer your QUESTIONS, explain some key concepts and offer some insights SPECIFIC to your business.

That way we can see if we’re a GOOD FIT and take things from there.

Sound good to you? 🙂


Web Copy

Your website is the face of your brand and you need it to ROCK their socks off.

How many pages do you need though? What needs to be featured on each page? And which TONE is right for you?

I help you CRUSH the content strategy and create beautiful prose that keeps your visitors reading and buying (even in the face of a million and one notifications).

Email Copy

You need to turn your tyre kicking subscribers into RAVENOUS buyers.

But how do you get your prospects to BEAM when they see your email in their inbox? And how do you get them to open and click through constantly?

I create absorbing, must-read-the-next-line emails that SKY ROCKET your conversions and get your warmest leads to whitelist you, INSTANTLY.

Funnel Optimization

You need to transform your funnel into something so IRRESISTIBLE your perfect lead can’t help but say yes.

But how do you craft CRAZY converting funnels that have zero in common with the click-bait that’s destroying trust between marketers and customers?

I conceive and optimize high-converting online growth funnels that BLOW UP your leads and sales straight out of the gate.

The Biggest Time Wasted Is The Time Not Getting Started.

Your website is bleeding MONEY. Great copy will staunch the flow and INCREASE your bottom line…

1. Discovery Phase

To kick off, we’ll have a 15 minute discovery call to see if we’re a good fit. We’ll cover:

The 30,000-ft view of your project
Your preferred starting date
Your completion deadline
Processes/next steps

If we’re both HAPPY I’ll draft you a proposal. My minimum project fee is $2,500 and most of my projects fall within $3-10k and take 3-4 weeks.

Once we’ve decided to move forward, we’ll go into real DEPTH so I can better understand your business, your target audience, and competition.

A project kick off call will help us set your expectations, establish common goals, and measure your SUCCESS.

Then I’ll capture the VOICE of your customer, reflecting their NEEDS back to them in their own words and getting them to BUY like crazy! Making you a HERO.

2. Unique Value Proposition

The copywriting process works best if we have a great RAPPORT. It should always be collaborative and FUN. The perfect place to start is with your Unique Value Proposition.

The ‘value prop’ encapsulates your OFFER and what makes it UNIQUE. It’s the focal point of your website copy, and it’s the lens through which everything else should be written.

Value props are super PERSONAL for owners and stakeholders. Consequently, crafting a perfect statement which captures the unique essence of your business or offer is best accomplished via a collaborative process.

That’s why I always start by working with you on your primary value prop before moving on to the bulk of the copy.

A strong value prop is the BEDROCK for your offering. It will underpin all of your sales, marketing and product development efforts, aligning teams and your improving communication.

It will also make you look astonishingly SMART!

3. First Draft Completion

Once your core value prop is in place, it will serve as the basis for writing the rest of your copy.

Adopting a research-based, psychology-influenced, and artful approach, I’ll write you words that BLOW UP your conversions and put cash in your BANK.

I will deliver your completed first draft to you within the agreed delivery date.

Delivery dates are defined on a project-by-project basis, but my usual turnaround time is 3-4 weeks, and I’m usually booked between 2-8 weeks in advance for larger projects.

You’ll be able to sleep BLISSFULLY because I don’t do late.

I don’t do mediocre. In fact, I don’t do anything I can’t CRUSH, because I’m a Perfectionist with a capital P.

4. Revisions

My job is to make your life easier and make you look GREAT.

With awesome communication baked into this project, we’ll stay ON MESSAGE throughout.

I have a team of industry veterans around me who’ll proof read your copy in FORENSIC detail and help me iron out any kinks.  I incorporate that BRAINS TRUST into your copy before presentation.

If after presentation the copy needs a slight TWEAK, one round of revisions is included, provided there’s no fundamental shift in the direction of the copy.


My goal is to get you RESULTS.

So there will be a little healthy push back if I feel your requests won’t result in the highest converting copy possible.
Ultimately, A/B TESTING will steer us to where we need to be..

I take a perfectionists approach in crafting copy that both CONVERTS and gets you really EXCITED, so you can let go, pal.

I GOT THIS! I’m a relentless, proactive initiator.
I will drive the entire process forwards, so you can focus on what you do best.

Yes! I need this done RIGHT.